Display Functions
Speed | over 60 m/h | ||
Minimal display unit | 0.1km/h(mile/h) | 0.5km/h(mile/h) | 1km/h(mile/h) |
Current Speed
(0.0-70 miles or 99 kms)-S
The current speed is displayed on the upper line of display and updated every second. Minimum display unit will be automatically adjusted according to speed.
Odometer (total Distance)
(0.0-9999 kms or 6213 miles)-ODO
The total distance is continuously measured, accumulated and displayed until next reset or the battery is changed. When 9,999 kms or 6,213 miles is reached the odometer returns to zero and counting begins anew.
Trip Distance
(0.0-999.9 kms)-DIS
The starting point to the current point is calculated as Trip Distance. The Trip Distance will record automatically when riding.
To Clear: Clear the record at the end of each trip. Press L & R buttons at the same time, the record will be cleared to zero.
Compare the current speed to the average speed. If the current speed is greater or equal to the average speed, the display shows +. Otherwise, it shows
Riding time
The Elapsed Time is measured from the start point to the current point. It starts counting automatically when signals are received, it stops when signals have stopped for over two seconds. When 10 hours have been reached, screen will display
“HH” hr & “MM:SS” alternative for 1 second. When 100 hours have been reached, it will be recounted from zero. Average Speed (AVS), Distance (DIS) and Maximum Speed (MAX) will also reset and recount from Zero.
To Clear: Press L & R buttons at the same time to clear RT. Also Distance (DIS), Average Speed (AVS) and Maximum Speed (MAX) will be cleared. Odometer will count until cleared.
Maximum Speed
(0.00-99.9 miles or kms) – MAX
The maximum speed is calculated as the highest speed during the current trip. It is stored and displayed as requested until next reset or when the battery is changed.
Average Speed
(0l.0-99.9 miles or kms) – AVS
The Average Speed is calculated as DIS (Trip Distance) /RT (Riding Time) The minimal display unit is 0.1 mile/h or km/h. Maximum Speed & Average Speed are operated in the same way as Trip Distance. Please refer to the instruction for Trip Distance function.
Km/mi. alternative
Under any display mode, hold L button for 3 seconds, the speed scale Km or mi. will automatically reverse. Once the speed scale has been changed, the data of ODO, DIS, AVS, & MAX will also be reversed.
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