B Third-Party Interface Requirements

58 AgGPS 252 Receiver User Guide

B.2 Third-Party Hardware
TableB.2 lists the interface requirements for connecting an AgGPS receiver to third-party hardware.
HGIS Starpal NMEA GGA, RMC 4800 or
8-N-1 1Hz
Instant Survey Agrilogic
NMEA GGA, GSA, RMC 4800 8-N-1 1Hz
Pocket Survey Agrilogic
NMEA GGA, GSA, RMC 4800 8-N-1 1Hz
Sitemate Farmworks NMEA GGA, VTG 4800 8-N-1 1Hz

Table B.2 Third-party h ardware interface require ments

Hardware Company Protocol NMEA
Baud Other Pos
Cable P/N
AMS Raven NMEA GGA, VTG 9600 8-N-1 1Hz
50166, or
30945 plus
Ag Navigator Springhill RTCM 9600 8-N-1 10Hz
Case Tyler NMEA GGA 19200 8-N-1 5Hz
Contour Position Inc. NMEA GGA 19200 8-N-1 5Hz
Marker RDS or
Position Inc.
NMEA GGA 19200 8-N-1 5Hz
Falcon Ag Chem NMEA GGA, VTG 4800 8-N-1 1Hz

Table B.1 Third-party software interface requirements (continued)

Software Company Protocol NMEA messages Baud Other Pos rate
Ag252_100B_UserGuide_ENG.book Page 58 Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:06 PM