moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wire and move wire awayfrom

,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine, wait for all spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property


ToCheckandAdjustTensiononthe Forward


















1. Checkingfor correct belttension is the









sameas that described in item 5, Step 4:









Attach Forward ClutchRod. Beforecheck-









ing, shut off the engine, disconnect the








spark plug wire, andallow the engineand
















muffler to cool down. If, after following
















the adjustment procedures, you cannot









get the correct gap on the forward clutch









rod adjustment bracket, you will needto









makea secondary adjustment as de-









scribed next.









2. Disconnectthe ForwardClutch Rod (A,








Figure 5-9) from the swivel plate (B) by






removing the innermost hairpin cotter


























3. Unthreadthe Forward Clutch Rod (in a

Figure5-7: Completetineassemblies--holders,tinesand hardware.


counterclockwise direction as viewed









from the front of the unit) until oneor two









threads on the rod extendabovethe rect-


(counter-rotating tine) tiller


belt adjustment instructions

angular nut (D, Figure5-10) on the for-



This is a CRT



Follow the

ward clutch bracket.


and its tines must be mounted


carefully. An incorrect



4. Removethe belt cover.


in the direction shown in


adjustment could result in the


Figure5-7. Failureto comply


ForwardClutch mechanism

5. Slip the forward drive belt (E, Figure


could result in personal injury


engagingtoo soon. This could



he engine-driven forward drive pulley by


or property damage.


causeloss of tiller control and



pushing it off (awayfrom engine) with






result in personal injury or

2. When installing individual tines, install


your left handwhile pulling enginestarter


property damage.

rope with your right hand.

them inthe reverseorder from which they











were removed.The two sets of inboard

Maintaining correct tension on the drive

6. Onthe left side of the unit (from oper-

tines are installed so one fine faces to-

belts is important to good tilling perfor-

ator'sposition) removethe hairpin cotter

ward the transmission housing and the

manceand long belt life. A loose belt will

from the clevis pin (F,Figure 5-11) that

other fine faces awayfrom it. The single

slip on the engine and transmission pul-

connectsthe forward idler arm (G)to the

outboard tine on each side facestoward

leys and causethe tines and wheelsto

forward adjustable link (H). Push inward

the transmission housing. Also be sure

slow down -

or stop completely - even

on the forward idler arm (G) and remove

the cutting edges face so they will enter

though the engineis runningat full speed.

the clevis pin (F).

the soil first when the tiller

is moving for-

A loose belt will also result in premature

7. Thereare two holes in the forward ad-


meansthe cuttingedgesface

wear to the belt.


justable link (H, Figure5-11). Push in-

toward the operator position.





Thetension on a new forward drive belt

ward on the forward idler arm (G) and






should be checkedafter the first two (2)

install the clevis pin (F)through the inner

hours of operation. Thereafter,check the

holein the forward adjustablelink (H) and

On DriveBelts



tension after every ten (10) hours of

out through the single hole in the forward

While checking belt tension, also check





idler arm (G). Securethe clevis pin with

for cracks, cuts or frayed edges. A belt

The reversedrive belt, becauseit is used

the hairpin cotter.

that is in poor condition should be re-








infrequently, will not requirean initial ten-

sion adjustment until a significant num-



ber of operating hours has passed.


Page 19
Image 19
Troy-Bilt 675B manual CheckingAndAdjustingTension, On DriveBelts, ToCheckandAdjustTensiononthe Forward DriveBelt