_ | operating your machine, | |
ARNING: | Before |
carefully readand understand all safety, controls and operating instructions in this Manual,the separateEngine Owner'sManual,and on the decalson the machine. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury.
Tiller Features
This section describes the location and function of the controls on your tiller. Refer to Section4: Operationfor detailed operat- ing instructions.
Practice using these controls, with the en- gine shut off, until you understandthe op- eration of the controls and feel confident with each of them.
IMPORTANT:Referto the separateengine manufacturer'sEngineOwner'sManual for information about the controls onthe
Wheel Gear Lever
This lever (A, Figure 3-1) hastwo posi- tions: ENGAGEand DISENGAGE.
In the ENGAGEposition, the wheelswill start turning when either the Forward Clutch or the ReverseClutch is engaged.
NOTE: The tines will also start turning when either clutch is engaged.
Wheel GearLever in
,_ DANGER: Neverplacethe
DISENGAGE(Freewheel)when the engine is running. Havingthe Wheel GearLeverin engagingthe tines_vheelswith either the Forward Clutchorthe ReverseClutch could allow the tines to propel the tiller rapidly backward. Failureto follow this instruction could result in personal injury or property damage.
The DISENGAGE(freewheel)position plac- es the wheels in freewheeling mode to al- low the wheelsto turn without starting the engine. Usethe DISENGAGEposition only when the engine is not running.
Figure3-1: Controlpanel.
To shift to ENGAGE,gently (do not force) move the lever forward while rolling the tiller afew inches forward or backward.
(Moving the tiller helps align the transmis- sion shift mechanism). Thewheelswill not freewheelwhen the lever is properly set in the ENGAGEposition.
To shift to DISENGAGE,move the lever rearward, without rolling the tiller. The wheels roll freely when the lever is proper- ly set in the DISENGAGEposition.
Twointerconnected levers (B,
wheelsandtines with Forward
,_ WARNING: Neverengage
Clutch or ReverseClutch unless Wheel GearLever is in ENGAGEEngagingthe. Forward Clutch or ReverseClutch when wheelsare not engagedcould allow the tinesto rapidly propel tiller backward. Failureto follow this warning could result in personal injury or property damage.
To OperateForwardClutch:
1.Before engagingthe Forward Clutch, put the Wheel GearLeverinto the ENGAGE position (see "WARNING"above).
2.Lift and hold one or both leversagainst the handlebargrips to engagethe wheels andtines.
3.ReleaseBOTHleversto disengage wheelsand tines. All forward motion will
stop (engine will continue to run).
IMPORTANT:The ForwardClutch Levers areconnectedto amechanical interlock
that automatically shifts a separateWheel GearLever (A,
Beforestarting the engine, test the function of the mechanicalinterlock as follows:
1.Put Wheel GearLever into DISENGAGE position and roll tiller backand forth a few inches. Wheels should roll freely.
2.Without rolling the tiller, squeezeeither Forward Clutch Leveragainst the handle- bargrips. As the levers move upward, the
mechanical interlock automatically moves the Wheel GearLever forward into the EN- GAGEposition (roll tiller backand forth a few inches). If it does,the wheels will not
roll freely when you push and pull on the handlebars.
3. The mechanicalinterlock works proper-
ly if it functions as describedin Step 2. If the mechanical interlock does not function
properly, do not operatethe tiller until it has beencorrected (seeyour authorized dealeror contact the factory).
Reverse Clutch Control
This control (C,Figure
the tines. It is usedfor moving the tiller short distances in a reversedirection.
_ | caution when reversing or | |
ARNING: | Useextreme |
pulling the machinetowards you. Look behindto avoid
obstacles. Neverattemptto till in reverse.Failureto follow this
warning could result in personal injury or property damage.
1.Beforeengagingthe ReverseClutch,put the Wheel GearLever into ENGAGE.(see "WARNING" at left).
2.Releasethe Forward Clutch Levers.