5.Iftheunitshouldstarttovibrateabnormally, a. Walk behind and to one side of the
stoptheengine,disconnectthesparkplug tiller, usingone handon the han-
wireandpreventitfromtouchingthespark dlebars. Relax yourarm, but use a
plug,andcheckimmediatelyforthecauseVi.- secure handgrip. brationisgenerallywarningoftrouble. b. Use slower engine speeds.
6.Stoptheengine,disconnectthespark c. Clear the tilling area of all large
plugwireandpreventitfromtouchingthe stones,rootsand other debris. sparkplugwheneveryouleavetheoperat- d. Avoid usingdownwardpressureon
ingposition,beforeuncloggingthetines, | handlebars.If need be, use slight |
orwhenmakinganyrepairs,adjustments | upwardpressureto keepthe tines |
orinspections. | from diggingtoo deeply. |
7.Takeallpossibleprecautionswhenleav- | e. Beforecontacting hard packedsoil |
ingthemachineunattendedStoptheen.- | at the end of a row, reduce engine |
gineDisconnectsparkplugwireandmove. | speed and lift handlebarsto raise |
itawayfromthesparkplug.MoveWheel | tines out of the soil. |
GearLevertoENGAGE. | f. In an emergency, stop tines and |
8.Beforecleaning,repairing,orinspect- wheels by releasingwhichever
ing,stoptheengineandmakecertainall ClutchLever is engaged. Do not at-
movingpartshavestoppedDisconnect. | tempt to restrain the tiller. |
thesparkplugwireandpreventitfrom | 15. Do not overloadthe tiller'scapacityby |
touchingthesparkplugtopreventacci- | attempting to till too deeply at too fast a |
dentalstarting. | rate. |
9.Alwayskeepthetillertinehoodflap 16. Neveroperate the tiller at high trans-
down. | port speedson slippery surfaces. Look be- |
10.Neverusethetillerunlessproper | hind and use care when backing up. |
guards,plates,orothersafetyprotectivede- 17. Donot operatethe tiller on aslope that
vicesareinplace. | is too steep for safety. When on slopes, |
11.Donotrunengineanenclosedarea. slow down and makesure you have good
Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxidefooting. Neverpermit thetiller to freewheel
gas,adeadlypoisonthatisodorless,col- | down slopes. | |
orless,andtasteless. | 18. | Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit. |
12.Keepchildrenandpetsaway. | 19. | Onlyuse attachmentsand accessories |
13.Neveroperate the tiller underengine that are approved by GardenWay Inc. power if the Wheel Gear Lever is in DIS- 20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories ENGAGE(FREEWHEEL).In this position, when recommended.
the wheels will not hold the tiller back | 21. Neveroperatethetiller without goodvis- | |
and the revolvingtines could propel the | ||
ibility or light. | ||
tiller rapidlybackward,possiblycausing | ||
22. Neveroperatethetiller if youaretired,or | ||
loss of control. Always move the Wheel | ||
underthe influenceof alcohol,drugsormedi- | ||
GearLeverto ENGAGEbefore starting the | ||
cation. | ||
engine or engagingthe tines4Nheelswith | ||
23. Operatorsshallnottamperwiththeengine- | ||
the Forward Clutch or the ReverseClutch. | ||
14. Beaware that the tiller may unexpect- | governorsettingsonthemachine;thegovernor | |
controlsthemaximumsafeoperatingspeedto | ||
edly bounce upward or jump backward if | ||
protectthe engineandallmovingpartsfrom | ||
the tines should strike extremely hard | ||
damagecausedby overspeedAuthorizedser.- | ||
packedsoil, frozen ground, or buried ob- | ||
viceshallbesoughtif a problemexists. | ||
stacleslike largestones, roots, or stumps. | ||
24. Donottouchenginepartswhichmaybe | ||
If in doubt about the tilling conditions, al- | ||
ways usethe following operating precau- | hot fromoperation.Letpartscooldown | |
tions to assist you in maintaining control |
| |
of the tiller: |
25.Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstopthe tinesandwheelsby releasingtheForward ClutchLeverortheReverseClutchControl
(whicheverleveryou haveengaged)orbymov- ingtheThrottleControlLeverto STOP.
26.Toloador unloadthetiller,seethe instruc- tionsinSection4 ofthis Manual.
27.Useextremecautionwhenreversingor pullingthe machinetowardsyou.
28.Starttheenginecarefullyaccordingto in-
structionsandwithfeetwellawayfromthe tines.
29.Neverpickupor carryamachinewhilethe engineis running.
1.Keepthe tiller, attachmentsand acces- sories in safeworking condition.
2.Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at fre- quent intervals for proper tightness to be
sure the equipment is in safeworking con- dition.
3. Neverstorethetillerwithfuelinthefueltank insideabuildingwhereignitionsourcesare presentsuchashot waterandspaceheaters, furnaces,clothesdryers,stoves,electricmo- tors,etc.).Allowengineto coolbeforestoringin anyenclosure.
4.Toreducethechancesof afirehazard,keep theenginefreeof grass,leaves,or excessive grease.
5.Storegasoline in a cool,
approvedcontainer,safelyawayfrom the reachof children.
6.Referto the storageinstructions in the Maintenancesection of this Manualandthe
separateEngineOwner'sManualfor in- structions if the tiller is to be stored for an
7.Neverperform maintenancewhile the en- gine is running orthe spark plug wire is connected,exceptwhen specifically in- structedto do so.
8.If the fuel tank hasto be drained,dothis outdoors.