USB HID Keyboard Emulation Swipe Reader
Property ID: 4
Property Type: Byte
Length: 1 byte
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Default Value: 63 (hex)
Description: This property is defined as follows:
SS 0 – Don’t send Start Sentinel for each track
1–Send Start Sentinel for each track
ES 0 – Don’t send End Sentinel for each track
1–Send End Sentinel for each track
LRC 0 – Don’t send LRC for each track
1–Send LRC for each track
Note that the LRC is the unmodified LRC fr om the track data. To verify the LRC
the track data needs to be converted back from ASCII to card data format an d the
start sentinels that were modified to indicate the card encode type need to be
converted back to their original values.
LC 0 – Send card data as upper case
1–Send card data as lo wer case
Note that the state of the Caps Lock key on the host keyboard has no affect on
what case the card data is transmitted in.
Er 00 – Don’t send any card data if error
01 – Don’t send track data if error
11 – Send ‘E’ for each track error
This property is stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory so it will not change when th e unit is
power cycled. When this property is changed, the unit must be power cycled to have these
changes take effect. If a value other than the default value is desired, it can be set by the factory
upon request.