USB HID Keyboard Emulation Swipe Reader
Description: The value is a byte that represents the devices interface type. The value can
be set to 0 for the HID interface or to 1 for the keyboard emulation interface.
When the value is set to 0 (HID) the device will behave as described in the
HID manual. When the value is set to 1 (keyboa rd emulation) the device will
behave as described in the keyboard emulation manual. This property should
be the first property changed because it affects which other properties are
available. After this property is changed, the device should be power cycled
before changing any other properties. This property is stored in non-volatile
EEPROM memory so it will persist when the unit is power cycled. When this
property is changed, the unit must be power cycled to have these changes take
effect. If a value other than the default value is desired, it can be set b y the
factory upon request. Examples follow:
Example Set INTERFACE_TYPE property Request (Hex ):
Cmd Num Data Len Prp ID Prp Value
01 02 10 00
Example Set INTERFACE_TYPE property Response (Hex):
Result Code Data Len Data
00 00
Example Get INTERFACE_TYPE property Request (Hex):
Cmd Num Data Len Prp ID
00 01 10
Example Get INTERFACE_TYPE property Response (Hex):
Result Code Data Len Prp Value
00 01 00