Section 4. USB Communications
Property ID: 5
Property Type: Byte
Length: 1 byte
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Default Value: 0D (hex) (carriage return)
Description: This property is defined as follows:
mod c c c c c c c
mod 0 – Send c after card data
1–Send c after each track
c1-127 – 7 bit ASCII char code
0–send not hing
This property is stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory so it will not change when th e unit is
power cycled. When this property is changed, the unit must be power cycled to have these
changes take effect. If a value other than the default value is desired, it can be set by the factory
upon request.
Property ID: 6
Property Type: Byte
Length: 1 byte
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Default Value: 40 (hex) ‘@’
Description: This character is sent as the track 2 start sentinel for cards that have track 2
encoded in 7 bits per character format. If the value is 0 no character is sent. If
the value is in the range 1 – 127 then the equivalent ASCII character will be
This property is stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory so it will not change when th e unit is
power cycled. When this property is changed, the unit must be power cycled to have these
changes take effect. If a value other than the default value is desired, it can be set by the factory
upon request.