MM23016, Rev. C
The buttons on the front panel are backlit for operation in a low ambient light level such as nighttime
operation. Some buttons also flash to provide feedback of various operating conditions.
In addition, the front panel contains a light-level sensor that samples ambient light levels for automatic
display and button backlight brightness adjustments. In other words, it automatically brightens the display
and backlights when higher external light levels exist and it automatically dims the display and backlights
during lower external light levels.
Table 7-1: Front Panel Default Controls and Functions
Power On-
Off/Volume Control
Turn knob clockwise to power on the radio and increase v olume.
Turn counter-clockwise to decrease volume and power off the radio.
Mic Connection Connection for hand-held, ha nds-free, speaker-mic, or headset.
If enabled through programming, the emergency button sends an emergency alert and opens
voice communication on the c urrently selected talk group or the default emergency talk group
(depending upon how the system is defined).
Ambient Light
Sensor Radio automatically adjusts the display and button backlight brightness level based on
ambient light. Do not block this sensor.
While in the dwell displa y, scrolls thro ugh available talk groups.
Scrolls through selections within the active menu (available talk groups, pre-programmed
speed dial numbers, canned alert messages, etc.).
Scrolls through available menu items.
MENU Press to activate the current selection. In some cases, this is not necessary as the last
selection will automatically activate after a short period.
Display Area
Menu selections and messages.
Network Connectivity icon.
Current Volume Level icon.
Volume represented numer ically within the display (0 = Muted, 40 = Loudest).
User may select which one of several dwell displays the radio uses.
Pre-Set Buttons
A, B, & C
These buttons are used to store and recall user-selectable parameters such as scan mode,
selected profile, selected talk group, and priority talk group. Different parameters can be
stored at each of the three different pre-set buttons.
Preset button C can be configured via programming to reboot the radio into a particular
application mode. Contact your system administrator to determine if this feature is e nabled in
your radio.
SCAN Not functional in OpenSky systems.
7.2.1 Power Up
1. Rotate the Power On-Off/Volume Control knob clockwise to power on the radio. The display will
illuminate when the radio powers up.