MM23016, Rev. C


During radio operation, various messages are displayed on either line 1 or line 2. Typical messages

include control channel status information, such as system busy or call denied, or messages associated

with the radio's operation, (i.e. volume adjust). These messages are described as follows:

Table 11-2: Display Messages


TALKARND Talk-around Indicates the radio is operating on conventional channels in talk-around mode (no repeater).
VOL=31 Volume Level Indicates the current volume level. The volume level display ranges from OFF (silent) to 31
UNKNOWN Caller's ID Not
Received Indicates that an individual call is being received, but the caller's ID was not received.
T99 ON Type 99 Decode ON Indicates the Type 99 Decode feature is enabled.
T99 OFF Type 99 Decode OFF Indicates the Type 99 Decode feature is disabled.
PA ON Public Address ON Indicates that the public address function of the radio is enabled.
PA OFF Public Address OFF Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that public address function of the r a dio was disabled.
ALRM ON External Alarm Enabled Indicates that the external alarm function of the radio is enabled.
ALRM OFF External Alarm
Disabled Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that the external alarm function of the radio was disabled.
PVT DIS Private Mode Disabled Indicates that private mode is disabled or no encryption key has been programmed for the
selected group/channel or special call.
FRCD PVT Forced Private
Operation Indicates that forced private operation has been pre-programmed into radio.
NO KEY # Encryption Key Missing Flashing indicator indicates that no encryption key or an incorrect encryption key is
programme d into the radio.
BCKL=1-6 Backlight Indicates the display intensity and keypad backlight level.
GR Group ID Indicates that the call is a group call and is followed by the GID of the caller.
WHC=1 Who Has Called This display indicates the number from the Who Has Called list. Individual calls received but
not responded to are stored in a Who Has Called list. This list is accessible by pressing the #
key and then the INDV key after the Individual call has timed out or the Clear button is
pressed. This display is on line 2 and the LID of the caller is displayed on the top line.
Currently the list is not implemented and the display will always be WHC=1.
PHONE Phone Call Displayed when a phone call is received from the site. It is displayed in line 1 of the display.
Line 2 of the display will contain the display *INDV* when line 1 contains this message. The
radio interprets a received phone call as an individual call.
MENU Displayed when the menu key is pressed and remains displayed in line 1 until a menu item is
SYS=1-64 System = 1 - 64 The system number for the current base station of the system displayed in line 1. It is displayed
in line 2 of the display. Press the system key to obtain this display.
INDV=1-99 Individual = 1 - 99 Indicates which item in the individual call list is being displayed. It is displayed in line 2 of the
display. The name or ID of the item in the list is displayed in line 1 of the display.
PHN=1-99 Phone = 1 - 99 Indicates which item in the phone list is being displayed. It is displayed in line 2 of the display.
Line 1 of the display will be the last 3 characters of the list item contents.
SEL PHN Select Phone After pressing the PHN key, selecting an entry from the phone list by typing the entry number
will display this message on Line 1.
Ggg-v.vv Code Group and
Revision Number This is code group and revision number that is displayed in line 2 when the menu item
“REVISION” is selected. The ‘gg’ is the group number of the software. The first ‘v’ is the
hardware version and ‘vv’ is the r evision of the software.
*PHONE* Phone Call Displayed when an initiated phone call is in progress. This is displayed on line 2 of the display.
NO ENTRY Indicates that there is no data stored in one of the programmable items in either the phone list
or individual call list. The user programmable items are items 1 through 10 in each list.
INV SYS Invalid System Displayed when the current system is an invalid type.