MM23016, Rev. C
Table 8-1: Front Panel Default Controls and Functions
Power On-
Control knob
Turn knob clockwise to power on the radio and increase volume.
Turn counter- clockwise to decre as e vol u me an d po w er of f th e ra dio.
Mic Connection Connection for hand-held, hands-free, speaker-mic, or headset.
The Emergency button declares an emergency if enabled through programming.
Ambient Light
Sensor Radio automatic ally adjusts the display and bu tton backlight brightness lev el based
on ambient light. Do not block this sensor.
This rotary switch selects the systems or groups/channels, depending upon
This rocker type button is used to display the current SCAN status for a
group/channel and then add or delete the group/channel from the system scan list.
Pressing the add/delete button twice while the radio is actively receiving or three
times when the radio is not receiving selects the last scanned channel (Last
Scanned Channel Recall).
The primar y functi on of this rock er type butt on is to scroll th rough the S ystem list or
the Group/Channel list depending upon programming.
The secondary function is to increment or decrement items within a list (phone list
for example).
OPT/OPTION To g gl e a PC pr o gr a mm a ble feature ON and O F F.
In Trunked mode, the CLR button exits the current operation and removes all
displays associated with it. The radio and display then return to the group receive
In Conventional mode, pressing this button unmutes the receiver so activity on the
selected channel can be monitored. When pressed and held for approximately 3
seconds, this button toggles conventional channel decoding (Channel Guard,
Digital Channel Guard, T99) ON and OFF if programmed for the selected channel.
Primary function - access the menu list. This is a list of additional features that are
not available directly from the keypad.
Secondary function - activate a selected item within a list, similar to an enter key.
Primary function - toggle scan operation on and OFF.
Secondary f unction - toggle the keypad buttons between their prim ary function and
their secondary function.
Pre-Set buttons
(A, B, & C) Used to store and rec all us er -s ele ctable paramet e rs.
SYS Used to enter the System select mode.
GRP Used to enter the Group select mode.
STS Permits the tran s missi o n of a pre -p rog ra m me d st at us m ess a ge to a n EDACS sit e .
MSG Permits the transmission of a pre-programmed message to an EDACS site.
PHN Used to place telephone calls through the radio by selecting the interconnect
special call function.