MM23016, Rev. C
T99 ON Type 99 Decode ON Indicates the Type 99 Decode feature is enabled.
T99 OFF Type 99 Decode OFF Indicates the Type 99 Decode feature is disabled.
PA ON Public Address ON Indicates that the public address function of the radio is enabled.
PA OFF Public Address OFF Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that public address function of the r a dio was disabled.
ALRM ON External Alarm Enabled Indicates that the external alarm function of the radio is enabled.
ALRM OFF External Alarm
Disabled Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that the external alarm function of the radio was disabled.
NO KEY # Encryption Key Missing Flashing indicator indicates that no encryption key or an incorrect encryption key is
programme d into the radio.
BCKL=1-6 Backlight Indicates the display intensity and keypad backlight level.
GR Group ID Indicates that the call is a group call and is followed by the GID of the caller.
MENU Displayed when the menu key is pressed and remains displayed in line 1 until a menu item is
SYS=1-64 System = 1 - 64 The system number for the current base station of the system displayed in line 1. It is displayed
in line 2 of the display. Press the system key to obtain this display.
SEL PHN Select Phone After pressing the PHN key, selecting an entry from the phone list by typing the entry number
will display this message on Line 1.
Ggg-v.vv Code Group and
Revision Number This is code group and revision number that is displayed in line 2 when the menu item
“REVISION” is selected. The ‘gg’ is the group number of the software. The first ‘v’ is the
hardware version and ‘vv’ is the r evision of the software.
NO ENTRY Indicates that there is no data stored in one of the programmable items in either the phone list
or individual call list. The user programmable items are items 1 through 10 in each list.
INV SYS Invalid System Displayed when the current system is an invalid type.
CHN=1-99 Channel = 1 - 99 Displayed on line 1 of the display. This is a conventional channel index displayed when the
group key is pressed.
FIX LIST Fixed List The Priority scan list is fixed and cannot be changed using the add or delete keys.
FIXED P1 Fixed Priority 1 The Priority 1 scan channel is fixed and cannot be changed using the add or delete keys.
(c) 2004 Displayed in line 2 when the message ‘M/A-COM’ is displayed in line 1 while displaying
different items under the menu when “REVISION” is selected by the operator.
EM Emergency Indicates an emergency has been declared by the LID that follows the display, “EM.” An
example of this is “EM 01201.”
*INDV* Individual Call Displayed in line 2 of the display when an individual call is in progress (trunked and T99
modes only).
*GROUP* Group Call Indicates a group call is in progress and is displayed on line 1 of the display (trunked and T99
modes only).
SPKR ON External Speaker ON Displayed when the external speaker is enabled.
SPKR OFF External Speaker OFF Displayed when the external speaker is disabled.
BANK=1-8 The bank of keys that are going to be loaded when the keyloader loads encryption keys. This is
only valid for radios that support VGS, VGE, or DES encryption. It is displayed on line 2 of
the display when the encryption keyloader is connected.
KEY LOAD Displayed on line 1 of the display when the encryption keyloader is connected.
KEY ZERO Displayed on line 2 of the display when the reset and option buttons are pressed
simultaneously for approximately two seconds. The encryption keys are zeroed.
SYS KEY System Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display key mode of the menu. It is followed in the
second line with a key number “KEY = <1..7>”.
KEY=1-7 Displayed on line 2 of the display in the display key mode of the menu for conventional
systems when the “SYS KEY” or “CHN KEY” is displayed in line 1 and for trunked systems
when the “SYS KEY” or “GRP KEY” is displayed in line 1.
PRIMARY Displayed on line 1 of the display when the primary keys are enabled.
PRS NAME Personality Name Displayed on line 1 of the display under the revision selection of the menu. The personality
name is displayed on line 2 at the same time.