MM23772, Rev. F

The P7200 and P5200 series radios are dual-band multi-mode portable radios. The P7200 series radio is
available without a front mounted keypad (P7200 only), with a 6-buttoned front mounted keypad, and
with a DTMF front mounted keypad (P7200 only). The dual-band (700/800 MHz) P7200 portable radio
delivers end-to-end encrypted digital voice and IP data communications. The P7200 and P5200 are
designed to support multiple operating modes including:
OpenSky® Trunked mode (OTP)
EDACS® or ProVoice Trunked mode
P25 Trunked mode
P25 Digital Conventional mode
Conventional Analog mode
The P7200 and P5200 portables can include all of these modes or just one. Additional modes of operation
can be added with software updates.
The P7200 and P5200 support a full range of advanced digital trunking features, including voice group
calls, priority scanning, emergency calls, late call entry, and dynamic reconfiguration. It performs
autonomous roaming for wide area applications. High quality voice coding and robust audio components
assure speech clarity.
In the trunked modes, the user selects a communications “operating” system (i.e., OpenSky, EDACS,
ProVoice, or P25) and group. While communicating in a trunked mode, channel selection is transparent to
the user and is controlled via digital communication with the system controller (e.g. base station in an
OpenSky system or a CSD in an EDACS system). This provides advanced programmable features and
fast access to communication channels.
In Conventional Analog mode, the user selects a channel and communicates directly on that channel. In
this mode, a system refers to a set of channels. A channel is a transmit/receive radio frequency pair.
The exact operation of the radio will depend on the operating mode, the radio’s programming, and the
particular radio system. Most features described in this manual can be enabled through programming.
Consult your System Administrator for the particular features programmed into your P7200 or P5200.
For further detail about features and operation refer to the appropriate maintenance manual or contact
your System Administrator.