2) Flip the handset retainer over so
the tab is facingup.
3) Slide the handset retainer back
onto the base.
tStandard WallPlate Mounting
This phone can be mounted on anystandard AT&T or GTE wall plate.
1) Plug the AC adapter into the DC
inputjack on the back of the
base, then place the ACadapter
cordinside the lef t molded
channel cordholder.
2) Plug a short telephone cord into the
jack on the base, then place
the telephone cordinside the right
molded channel cordholder.
DONOT use an outlet
controlledby a wall switch.
Beforeyou plug the other end
ofthe telephone cord into the
modularjack on the wall,
chargethe battery (refer to
“Chargingthe Battery Pack,”
H:...evised for reprint EXI 7960.vp
Wed Aug 18 12:37:33 1999
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