2) Use the :and ;keys to move the cursor to the selection that you
wouldlike to change. Press the
keyto toggle between On and
Off for Autotalk andCIDCW. Press
anduse the number
keypadto enter or change the area code, then press
again.(You hear a
confirmationtone indicating the area code has been changed.)
3) After you have made your selections, press
call id
and returnthe
handset to the base. The
LED flashes, indicating that your
setup changesare now effective.
tScreening YourCalls
Caller ID allowsyou to review caller
informationbefore you answer your
phone. When the phone rings, the
display showsthe date, time, call count,
name, and phone number of the caller.
If yourCaller ID service is number only,
then the name does not appear on the second line.
If a name or number is not available,the display will show a
messagesuch as Incomplete Data,Private Number,
Private Name, etc.
tUsing CIDCW (Caller ID on Call Waiting)
1) During a call when you hear the
Caller ID tone, check the handset
forthe name and number of the
incoming caller.
2) Press
flashto accept the incoming call. See page14 for
additional information.
tReviewing Caller ID Numbers
Yourphone stores the most recent 30 numbers in Caller ID memory. If
the memory is full, a new call replaces the oldest number.To review
yourCaller ID numbers, follow the steps below.
Ifyou have no Caller ID
messages,then the total is
shownas 00.
Ifyou have no New Caller ID
Messages,then the “New”
displayis blank. Only the
“Total”display appears.
Oncea Caller ID message
hasbeen viewed, it is no
longerconsidered a
Talk 0:00
Schlitz Kaysie
12/21 12:30PM 03
Schlitz Kaysie
H:...evised for reprint EXI 7960.vp
Wed Aug 18 12:37:53 1999
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