Welcome to the world of CB radio communication. Your Uniden PRO340XL
represents the most advanced portable radio ever designed for use in the Citizens Band Radio Service. This powerful unit operates on any of the 40 AM frequencies authorized by the Spectrum Management Agency ( SMA ).
Amongits manyfeatures,the PRO340XLincludes:
. Superheterodyne circuitry to enhance receiver quality.
. Phase Locked Loop Synthesizer techniques to assure precise frequency control.
. Flexible operation that allows you to power the radio with 8 AA alkaline batteries, 10 rechargeable AA
. Connection for an optional
This radio has been type accepted and fully certified by the SMA.
The Citizens Band Radio Communication Service (CBRS) is under the jurisdiction of the Australian Spectrum Management Agency (SMA). Any adjustment or alteration which will change the performance of the transceiver'soriginal SMA type acceptance is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Replacement or Substitution of power or frequency de~ermining components e.g. Crystals, Transistors, IC's,Diodes, or any part of a unique nature, with parts other than those recommended by Uniden may cause violation to the SMA type acceptancetechnical requirement.
Licensing Requirements
Before using your transceiver, you must obtain a Citizens Band Radio License from the Spectrum Management Agency (SMA). Application forms and brochures relating to CBRS are available at your nearest SMA office. Mail the completed application form and the appropriate fee to the Communications Manager of SMA, in the State or Territory in which the station will be operated.