
PPaaggee 77
Front Blaster OverloadA few models of audio/video components can be OVERLOADED by the Front
Blaster.If you are having intermittent or inconsistent results with a particular
component,try repositioning the MRF-200 and facing the Front Blaster in a
different direction.If this improves the situation but is impractical, it may be
necessary to utilize the self-adhesive flashers only and follow the steps below
to Disable the Front Blaster. This will limit the number of components your
MRF-200 can control to six.If you have more than six components you can
purchase an additional MRF-200 (available as an accessory alone from your
Home TheaterMaster dealer). Do not change the receiver ID# (use the same
ID # as the first unit) then follow the steps on the following pages:
Disabling the Front Blaster - Step by StepPlug the MX-800 back into the PC.Open your saved configuration and follow
these steps to turn off the front blaster:
SStteepp 11 -- OOppeenn tthhee RRFFSSeettuupp WWiinnddooww
The RF Setup window opens after selecting RF Control
from the Program Menu.
SStteepp 22 -- RReevveeaall tthhee RReecceeiivveerr sseettttiinnggss
Extend the RF Setup window by click-
ing on the Receivers button.
SStteepp 33 -- TTuurrnn ooffff tthhee FFrroonntt BBllaasstteerr
Click on the cell in the IR Blaster
column.A list box will appear.Select
OFFfrom the list.
SStteepp 44 -- SSaavvee aanndd DDoowwnnllooaadd ttoo tthhee MMXX--880000
SAVEyour changes using File|Save and DOWNLOADto the MX-800.
NNeexxtt,, cclliicckk oonn OOKKttoo aappppllyy yyoouurr