PPaaggee 66
with the enclosed screws,then the receiver is slid back into place.
SStteepp 33 -- CCoonnnneecctt tthhee PPoowweerr SSuuppppllyy aanndd IInnsseerrtt tthhee BBaatttteerriieess
Connect the 9V power supply to an active UNSWITCHED AC outlet.The MRF-
200 must always be powered up to operate.The red POWERLED should light.
Insert the batteries in the MX-800 remote control.
SStteepp 44 -- TTeesstt tthhee MMXX--880000
Observe the MRF-200’s STATUS LED blinking while you press and hold a pro-
grammed button (one with an actual command).This tells you that the MRF-
200 is receiving the RF commands of the MX-800.
SStteepp 55 -- OOrriieenntt tthhee AAnntteennnnaa ffoorr OOppttiimmuumm RRaannggee
If you need to extend the range of the remote,try adjusting the angle of the
MRF-200 receiving antenna via it’s pivoting ball mount.
SStteepp 66 -- TTeesstt OOppeerraattiioonn WWiitthhoouutt FFllaasshheerrss
With the MX-800’s IRoutput blocked by a jacket or pillow,test the control of
your components using just the Front Blaster. In most cabinets,the MRF-200’s
Front Blaster will control any A/V components in the same cabinet space by
reflections from the cabinet walls and doors.Make sure that the components
operate with the cabinet doors closed or open.If a component is placed too far
away from the front blaster,you will need to utilize the included Flashers plugged
into the MRF-200’s rear Flasher Line Output jacks.
If you have problems with components that are close to the Front Blaster,see
the next page and the section on Front Blaster Overload.
SStteepp 77 -- CCoonnnneecctt FFllaasshheerrss ttoo OOuutt ooff SSiigghhtt AA//VV CCoommppoonneennttss
IImmppoorrttaanntt NNoottee::TTeesstt tthhee ooppeerraattiioonn BBEEFFOORREEssttiicckkiinngg tthhee ffllaasshheerr iinn ppllaaccee..
Use a flashlight to identify the correct location of the component’s IRsensor,
then try a few commands while moving the flasher around the face plate of
the component. The most reliable operation typically occurs a half inch or so
away from the IRsensor.
Once you have found the spot that gives the most reliable operation,peel off
the protective backing of the self-adhesive tape on the included Flashers and
stick them in place.
IImmppoorrttaanntt NNoottee::AAllwwaayyss rreeppllaaccee tthhee sseellff--aaddhheessiivvee ttaabbss iiff yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo rreeppoossii--
ttiioonn aa ffllaasshheerr.. SSiixx eexxttrraa sseellff--aaddhheessiivvee ttaabbss aarree ssuupppplliieedd ffoorr tthhiiss ppuurrppoossee..