Controlling An Array of Identical TV’s (or VCR’s,Receivers, CD players etc.)
There are several considerations to take into account when you are installing
an MRF-200 to control an array of identical components:
1. You cannot use the Front Blaster to control identical components.You
must use Flashers instead. You can still use the Front Blaster in a cabinet
that is out of sight of the identical components to control the rest of your
2.Each identical component must receive IR commands ONLY from a dedicat-
ed Flasher affixed to it’s front panel. The IRoutput of the MX-800 should be
disabled for each identical component.It can still be utilized for the rest of
your system!
3. You must note the NUMBERof the Flasher Output you have utilized for
EACH of the identical components.
NOTE: If the identical components are near each other the Flashers and the
actual sensor window of the component should be blocked with black
electrical tape (sometimes more than one layer is needed).
Identical Components - Step by Step SStteepp 11 -- CCrreeaattee aa DDeevviiccee ffoorr EEaacchh TTVV iinn MMXXEEddiittoorr
The MX-800 can control up to 20 devices. You must create one device for
each of your identical TV’s.
In this example,six iden-
tical TV’s are utilized in a
Media Room array.
The programmer has
created devices for all of
the equipment in the
cabinet on Main Page 1.
On Main Page 2,he/she
has created a device for
each of the TV’s.
SStteepp 22 -- PPrrooggrraamm OOnnee DDeevviiccee WWiitthh IIRRccoommmmaannddss..
Using either the IRDatabase or Learning, program one of the identical devices
to operate one of TV’s (leave the others powered off right now).Test all com-
mands and Save your work.
PPaaggee 88