PPaaggee 1111
Programming For Multiple Equipment Locations
You can operate up to 16 different equipment locations,each with an MRF-
200 assigned a unique Receiver ID#. You program each of your MX-800’s to
talk to the equipment locations you want by assigning each of your devices to
a receiver.First, you must add and name your receivers for the locations they
are placed in:
SStteepp 11 -- OOppeenn tthhee RRFFSSeettuupp WWiinnddooww
The RF Setup window opens after selecting RF Control from the Program
SStteepp 22 -- RReevveeaall tthhee RReecceeiivveerr sseettttiinnggss
Extend the RF Setup window by clicking on the
Receivers button of the RFsetup window.
SStteepp 33 -- AAdddd,, NNaammee aanndd AAssssiiggnn RReecceeiivveerr IIDD##
Using the controls at the bottom extended portion of the RF Control win-
dow,add new receivers and rename them for the
SStteepp 44 -- SSaavvee aanndd DDoowwnnllooaadd ttoo yyoouurr MMXX--880000ss..
You may rename the
Default receiver to
something more
descriptive by clicking
on the Rename button.
Add new receivers
by clicking on the
Add button.
Delete receivers by
selecting them first
by clicking on their
Name,then clicking
the Delete button.
Assign the correct Receiver
ID# for each LOCATION by
clicking on the desired CELL
and selecting the ID# you
want from the pull down list.
Each LOCATION should have
a unique ID#. It is ok to
install multiple MRF-200’s in
one location.