33XDV shown with Hyde Manor Cabinet in Sienna Brown
The ExtremeView direct vent fireplaces are available in natural gas fuel models - propane conversion kits are optional. For the ultimate in convenient installation, all models are available in dual rear/top vent.
Vermont Castings Comfort
Control System
The ExtremeView 36XDV model is available with an
• Six level modulating flame & fan function from a hand held remote
• Thermostat governs flame & fan together for maximum comfort
• Operates without electricity (except for power supply to fan)
• Timer will shut off fire at a later time
• Ceramic Glass
The ExtremeView Series
36XDV shown with Sterling Cabinet in Glazed Parchment
Ext re meVie w. Th e per fect combination of
ele ganc e, soph is tication , an d conven ience. Vermont Castings blends drama and excitement, sophistication and comfort all together to create the pinnacle of fireplace performance and style. The glass and firebox are wider and taller than any other fireplace in its class. The fire is robust and more dramatic than ever before. The ExtremeView Series is the perfect choice for anyone looking to make a dramatic statement in the largest room of the home, or on the chilliest days of the year. Available in 33", 36" and 39" sizes. The ExtremeView can be installed anywhere you might place an ordinary direct vent gas fireplace.
Dress it up, if you like! The ExtremeView Series comes with an array of optional trims, louver accent trims and accessories.
•PrimaryOptionalStarterLouverLouver AccentKits:Trim (2pc) in Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Pewter or Rustic Bronze available in all sizes 33”/36”/39” (models DVLMP, DVLMA, DVLMS & DVLMR)
•Additional Louver Accent Trim (2pc) in Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Pewter or Rustic Bronze available in all sizes 33”/36”/39” (models DVLAP, DVLAA, DVLAS & DVLAR)
•Filigree Louver Replacement Kit in Gold, Pewter, Black or Rustic Bronze available in sizes 33”/36”/39” (models DVFKG, DVFKS, DVFKB & DVFKR)
•RomanesqueOptional TrimFace KitKits:is available in 36” in square and arched profile and in three finishes: Modern Pewter, Rustic Bronze and Ebony Black
•We've blended the strength of steel and the heritage of cast iron elements and created the Marquette Face Kit. Available in square and arched profile and in threee finishes: Modern Pewter, Rustic Bronze and Ebony Black with all cast elements featured in Black Enamel
•1 3/8” Regular Perimeter Trim Kit in Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Pewter or Rustic Bronze available in 33” (models
•1 3/8” Adjustable Regular Perimeter Trim Kit in Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Pewter or Rustic Bronze available in sizes 36”/39” (models ADVRTKP, ADVRTKA, ADVRTKS & ADVRTKR)
•2 3/8” Medium Perimeter Trim Kit in Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Pewter or Black available in 33” (models DVMTKP, DVMTKA, DVMTKS, DVMTKB)
•2 3/8” Adjustable Medium Perimeter Trim Kit in Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Pewter or Black available in sizes 36”/39” (models ADVMTKP,ADVMTKA, ADVMTKS, ADVMTKB)
•Georgian Cast Iron Surround in Classic Black, Ebony Black enamel
•ArchedOptionalScreenScreenDoor FaceDoorKit in Gold,Kit Pewter, Black or Rustic Bronze available in sizes 33”/36”/39” (models DVSDKG, DVSDKS, DVSDKB, DVSDKR)
•RemoteOptionalControlAccessories:• Thermostat
•Fan Kit • Mantels and Cabinets