portant that you follow the basic alignment sequence
precisely, so that the displayed data and the data
loaded into the transceiver are identical.
Basic Alignment Sequence
1.Enter the alignment mode
2.Upload data from transceiver
3.Align data
4.Download data to transceiver
Alignment Tool MenuCommon DataThe parameters in this section represent "common"
data for all channels. Once these "Common Data"
parameters are correctly aligned, the "TX POWER,"
"MAX DEV," and "SUB AUDIO DEV," can be trimmed for
each channel, if needed.
During alignment, each parameter is adjusted for a
higher or lower value via the computer’s [p] and
[q] keys. When the desired value is reached, type [ENTER] to lock in the new value.
(0) Common Tx :The first alignment section adjusts
parameters which are common to all channels.
This parameter is used to adjust the PLL reference frequency. From the "(0) Common Tx" section,
press [0] to activate this alignment sequence.
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, so the counter
frequency is within 100 Hz of the channel center
frequency for the MID channel.
•When the precise frequency is attained, press [EN- TER] to lock in the new data.
•Now verify that the HIGH and LOW channels
are also within tolerance.
-[1] HIGH
This parameter is used to align Tx High power (5W). From the "(0) Common Tx" section, press [1] to ac-
tivate this alignment sequence.
• Use the [t] or [u] key to select the "MID" fre-
quency channel in the alignment range.
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to set the
power output to 5 Watts, as indicated on the ex-
ternal wattmeter.
•When the 5 Watt level is attained, press [ENTER]
to lock in the new data.
-[2] L1
This parameter aligns the L1 power (0.25 W) level. From the "(0) Common Tx" section, press [2] to ac-
tivate this alignment sequence.
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to set the
power output to 0.25 W, as indicated on the ex-
ternal wattmeter.
•When the 0.25 W level is attained, press [ENTER]
to lock in the new data.
-[3] L2
This parameter aligns the L2 power (1 W) level. From the "(0) Common Tx" section, press [3] to ac-
tivate this alignment sequence.
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to set the
power output to 1 Watt, as indicated on the ex-
ternal wattmeter.
•When the 1 Watt level is attained, press [ENTER]
to lock in the new data.
-[4] L3
This parameter aligns the L3 power (2.5 W) level. From the "(0) Common Tx" section, press [4] to ac-
tivate this alignment sequence.
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to set the
power output to 2.5 W, as indicated on the exter-
nal wattmeter.
•When the 2.5 W level is attained, press [ENTER]
to lock in the new data.
This section adjusts the transmitter’s voice deviation level. From the “(0) Common Tx” section,
select [5] to enter this alignment sequence.