ChannelsThe following parameters may be adjusted individu-
ally for each channel. For example, minor variations
in the power output across the operating band may
be equalized by following this section’s instructions.
(2) Channels TX :-[0] TX HI POWER TRIM
This parameter is used to trim Tx power on the displayed channel. From the “(2) Channels Tx” section, select [0] to adjust the “TX Hi Power Trim”
•Use the [t] or [u] key to select the channel to be
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to trim the
power output to the power that is programmed
by CE39 channel editor, as indicated on the exter-
nal wattmeter.
•Press [ENTER] to lock in the new data.
-[1] TX LOW POWER TRIM (L1, L2 or L3)
This parameter is used to trim Tx power on the displayed channel. From the “(2) Channels Tx” section, select [1] to adjust the “TX Low Power Trim” setting(s).
•Use the [t] or [u] key to select the channel to be
•Press the [space] key on the keyboard to activate
the transmitter.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to trim the
power output to the power that is programmed
by CE39 channel editor, as indicated on the exter-
nal wattmeter.
•Press [ENTER] to lock in the new data.
This parameter is to trim maximum deviation on the displayed channel. From the "(2) Channels Tx"
section, select [2] to adjust the deviation level.
• Use the [t] or [u] key to select the channel on
which you wish to adjust the deviation.
•Press the [space] key on the computer keyboard
to start alignment. This activates the transmitter,
and injects a 1 kHz test tone.
• Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to set the
deviation to the desired value (typically 3.9~4.2 kHz, or 2.0~2.3 kHz for "narrow band" channels).
•When the desired deviation level is attained, press [ENTER] to lock in the new value.
This parameter used to is to trim Subaudible de-
viation on the displayed
the Subaudible Deviation level.
•Use the [t] or [u] key to select the channel on
which you wish to adjust the Subaudible Devia-
•Press the [space] key on the computer keyboard
to start alignment. This activates the transmitter,
and injects a subaudible test tone.
•Press the [p] or [q] key, as needed, to set the
deviation to the desired value (typically 0.6±0.1 kHz, or 0.4±0.1 kHz for "narrow band" channels).
•When the desired deviation level is attained, press [ENTER] to lock in the new value.
(3)Channels Rx :-[0] MANUAL TUNING
This parameter is used to tune the RF
components for the current channel manually.
From the "(3) Channels Rx" section, select [0] to
peak the receiver performance.
•Use the [t] or [u] key to select the channel on
which you wish to adjust the front end alignment.
•Connect the signal generator to the Antenna jack,
and set its level to +20 dBµ EMF (5 µV).
•Press [ENTER] to lock in the new data.
This parameter sets the battery warning level.
From the "(4) Other" section, select [0] to align
the battery warning voltage sensor.
•Set the DC supply voltage to 6.5 Volts.
•Press [ENTER] to lock in the new data.
•Set the DC supply voltage to 7.5 Volts.