VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
76 - User's Manual
Subgroup of network: https
Name Value Security
(get/set) Description
port 443,
1025~65535 6/6 https port
Subgroup of network: rtsp
Name Value Security
(get/set) Description
port 554,
1025 ~ 65535 6/6 RTSP port
authmode disable
digest 1/6 RTSP authentication mode
s0_accessname string[32] 1/6 RTSP access name for stream 1
s1_accessname string[32] 1/6 RTSP access name for stream 2
s0_audiotrack <integer> 6/6 The current audio track for stream1.
-1 => audio mute
s1_audiotrack <integer> 6/6 The current audio track for stream2.
-1 => audio mute
Subgroup of rtsp_s<0~(n-1)>: multicast, n is stream count
Name Value Security
(get/set) Description
alwaysmulticast <boolean> 4/4 Enable always multicast
ipaddress <ip address> 4/4 Multicast IP address
videoport 1025 ~ 65535 4/4 Multicast video port
audioport 1025 ~ 65535 4/4 Multicast audio port
ttl 1 ~ 255 4/4 Mutlicast time to live value
Subgroup of network: sip
Name Value Security
(get/set) Description
port 5060,
1025 ~ 65535 6/6 SIP port
Subgroup of network: rtp
Name Value Security
(get/set) Description
videoport 1025 ~ 65535 6/6 Video channel port for RTP
audioport 1025 ~ 65535 6/6 Audio channel port for RTP
Subgroup of network: pppoe
Name Value Security
(get/set) Description
user string[128] 6/6 PPPoE account user name
pass password[64] 6/6 PPPoE account password