Application 8 Watlow MINICHEF 2000 ■ 17
• Activate the menu by pressing the Start/Stop key.
• If the oven is not at operating temperature, it will preheat. Meanwhile:
The word [pre-`] [`Heat] will appear on the display for a few moments. The
Start/Stop key indicator light will flash slowly. The temperature of Channel 1 will
be displayed until the operating temperature is reached.
The heat output indicator light - G, just below the display- will light up whenever
the controller is calling for heat.
When the oven is at operating temperature (above the relative set point minus the
ready band) [ready] will appear on the display and the Start/Stop key indicator
light will flash rapidly. You are now ready to cook with the active menu.
• If the oven is at operating temperature, the display goes directly to [ready] with-
out indicating preheat or temperature.
Note: You can skip preheat and go directly to the cooking sequence by pressing the Start/Stop key a second time.
Run a Menu (when preheat feature is active)
This procedure describes how to run an active menu when the preheat feature is active
- that is, when the [ready] parameter in the [setUp] function of the Configuration
mode is set to [~`yes].
1. Select a menu as shown earlier.
2. With [`idle], time of day or a menu number on the display, press the Start/Stop
If the preheat condition has not been met, the oven will preheat until [ready]
appears on the display.
Note: You can skip preheat and go directly to the cooking sequence by pressing the Start/Stop key a second time.
If the oven is already at operating temperature [ready] will appear on the display.
3. With [ready] on the display, place the food in the oven. Then press the Start/Stop
key (indicated by the rapidly flashing indicator light).
The Start/Stop key indicator will light up. Time will count down on the display.
The unit will run the following four-step cooking sequence:
Countdown time is displayed. It is the total of the programmed Time 1 plus Time 2
plus Time 3 plus Time 4.
Set point 1 and Fan 1 will run until Time 1 expires.
Set point 2 and Fan 2 will run until Time 2 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 1 to Time 2.
Set point 3 and Fan 3 will run until Time 3 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 2 to Time 3.
Set point 4 and Fan 4 will run until Time 4 expires. You will not see the switch-over
from Time 3 to Time 4.
4. When the cooking sequence is finished, one of the following will happen, depending
on the way the controller was programmed at [Etype] / [sound]: