Glasses Boots
Thrown objects
Blade can throw objects violently.
DYou can be blinded or injured.
DWears safety glasses or similar eye protection.
50pieds (15 m)
Hazard zone for thrown objects.
DBlade can throw objects violently. D Others can be blinded or injured.
D Keep people and animals 50 feet (15 meters) away.
Blade rotates | Allow blade to stop |
momentarily | before removing |
after the | it from the cut. |
trigger is |
released. |
Blade rotates momentarily after the trigger is released.
DThe blade can seriously cut you or others. D Allow blade to stop before removing it from
the cut.
| WARNING: | ||
| |||
| Read instruction manual. | ||
| D Follow all warnings and instructions. | ||
| Instruction Manual |
| Safety Labels | D Failure to do so can result in serious | ||
| injury. | ||||
| |||
| ||
| S Store unit and fuel in area where fuel vapors | ||||
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors and where there | cannot reach sparks or open flames from | |||||
| are not sparks or flames. |
| water heaters, electric motors or switches, | |||
S Always store gasoline in a container ap- | furnaces, etc. | |||||
| proved for flammable liquids. | S Store unit so blade cannot accidentally | ||||
S Do not smoke or allow smoking near fuel or | cause injury. | |||||
| the unit; do not smoke while using the unit. | S Store unit out of reach of children. | ||||
S | Make sure the unit is properly assembled | If situations occur which are not covered in this | ||||
| and in good operating condition. | manual, use care and good judgment. If you | ||||
S | Avoid spilling fuel or oil. | Wipe up all fuel | need assistance, call | |||
| spills before starting unit. |
| SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is not | |||
S | Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from | equipped with a temperature limiting muffler | ||||
| fueling site before starting engine. | and spark arresting screen which meets the | ||||
S Stop engine and allow to cool before re- | requirements of California Codes 4442 and | |||||
| moving fuel cap. |
| 4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of | |||
S Do not store the unit with fuel in the fuel | California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New | |||||
| tank; use up fuel left in the carburetor and | Jersey, Oregon, and Washington require by | ||||
| fuel line by starting the unit and letting it run | law that many internal combustion engines be | ||||
| until it stops. |
| equipped with a spark arrestor screen. If you | |||
S Store unit and fuel in an area where fuel va- | operate in a locale where such regulations ex- | |||||
| pors cannot reach sparks or open flames | ist, you are legally responsible for installing | ||||
| from water heaters, electric motors or | and maintaining the operating condition of | ||||
| switches, furnaces, etc. |
| these parts. Failure to do so is a violation of | |||
TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE | the law. If a spark arresting screen is re- | |||||
S Do not grasp or hold exposed blade. | quired in your area, contact your authorized | |||||
service dealer for the correct kit. | ||||||
S | Stop unit before leaving work area. | |||||
S | Allow unit to cool, run fuel out of the fuel | SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to vibra- | ||||
| tank, and secure the unit before storing or | tions through prolonged use of gasoline pow- | ||||
| transporting it in a vehicle. | ered hand tools could cause blood vessel or | ||||
S Before storing, use up fuel left in the carbu- | nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and | |||||
| retor by starting the unit and letting it run un- | joints of people prone to circulation disorders | ||||
| til it stops. Always allow the unit to cool be- | or abnormal swellings. Prolonged use in cold | ||||
| fore storage. |
| weather has been linked to blood vessel dam- | |||
| age in otherwise healthy people. If symptoms |
occur such as numbness, pain, loss of