SDonot overreach or standon uns table sup-
port. Keep firm footing and balance.
SKeep the cutting head below waist level. Do
not raise handles above your waist . Cutting
head can come dangerously close to your
SKeepaway from cutting head and spinning
SUse unit properly. Use only for trimming,
scalping,and mowing. Do not forc e unit.It
willdo the job better and with les s risk of in-
jury at the rate for which it was designed.
SUseonly in dayli ght or in good artificial light.


WARNING: Dis connect unit from the
power supply before performing mainte-
nance, or when changing trimmer line.
SMaintain unit according to recommended
procedures. Keep cutting line at proper
length. Follow instructions for changing
trimmer line.
SHave all service and maintenance not ex-
plainedin this manual perfor med by an au-
thorized service dealer to avoid creating a
SNeverdous eor s quirt the unit with water or
anyother liquid. Clean unit and labels with
adamp s ponge. Keep handles dry, clean,
andfr ee from oil and grease.
SKeep theair v entsc lean andfr eeof debris
toavoid overheat ing the motor. Clean after
each use.


SStop the unit and disconnect the power
source when not in use.
SCarry the unit with motor stopped.
SStoreunit indoors ina high, dr y place out of
thereach of c hildren. Store unit unplugged.
SDonot hang unit so that the trigger s witch is



This unit is double insulated to help protect
against electric shock. Double insulat ion
constructionc onsists of two separate“layers”
of electrical insulation instead of grounding.
Toolsbuilt with this insulation system are not
intended to be grounded. No grounding
means is provided on this unit, nor should a
meansof grounding be addedto this unit. Asa
result, the extension cord used with your unit
can be plugged into any standard 120 volt
electrical outlet.
Safety precautions must be observed when
operating any electrical tool. The double in-
sulation systemonly pr ovides added protec-
tion against injury resulting from an internal
electrical insulation failure.
WARNING : All electrical repairs to
this unit, including housing, switch, motor,
wires, etc., must be diagnosed and repaired
by qualified service personnel. Replac ement
partsfor a double insulated appliance mustbe
recommendedby the manufac turer. A double
insulated appliance is marked with the words
“doubleins ulation” or “double insulated”. The
symbol(squar e within a square) mayalso
be marked on the appliance. Failure to have
the unitrepair ed by qualified service person-
nelcan cause the double insulation cons truc-
tion to become ineffective and result in ser i-
ous injury.


WARNING: If rec eived assembled,
reviewall as sembly steps to ensure y our unit
is properly assembled and all fasteners are


WARNING: Ensure that the excess
wire between the switch handle and motor
housingis not twisted and is enc losed in switch
handle and motor housing during assembly of
theunit. Failure to do s o may result in damage to
the wires and/or the unit or serious injury t ot he
operator including electrocution.
1. Push the tube into the switch handle until
it snaps into place.
Switch Handle
2. Push the tube into the motor housing until
it snaps into place.
Motor Housing
3. Try to remove tube from switc h handle and
motor housing. If the tube remains i n place,
itis properly snapped into place. Ifthe tu be
willnot remain in place, repeat steps 1 and
2. Push until the tube snaps into place.


WARNING : Theshieldmust be prop-
erly installed. The shield provides partial
protection from the risk of thrown objects to
theoperator and others. Your unit is equipped
witha line limiter pin, whic h cuts exc ess line to
the proper length while running.