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Page 53 of 72 UTY4422-002
If Currently Locked to a Signal:
M O D E : T R A C K I N G
D U R A T I O N : h h h : m m : s s
MODE: Always shows TRACKING
DURATION: hhh:mm:ss is the Time Since Last Acquired.
P O R T : n R A T E : d d . d d d
P R O G : p p p p p
PORT: n is ASI Input Port. The variable fields n, dd.ddd, and ppppp are defined in Settings
Status above.
If carrier is lost while viewing either of the following two screens, will jump to MODE &
L A S T A C Q : h h h : m m : s s
I N P U T E R R O R S : d d d d d
LAST ACQ: hhh:mm:ss is elapsed time since this signal was last acquired (in hours, minutes,
and seconds)
INPUT ERRORS: ddddd is the number of “glitches” received from the incoming stream. A
glitch is defined as anytime the number of continuity count errors changes between polls (which
is approx. every second). This number is reset when the another signal is acquired. It will “roll-
over” after reaching 65,536 errors.
F I R S T A C Q : h h h : m m : s s
A V A I L A B I L I T Y : x x x . x x %
FIRST ACQ: hhh:mm:ss elapsed time since this signal was first acquired (before any
intervening signal fades, in hours, minutes, and seconds).
AVAILABILITY: xxx.xx is the percentage of the elapsed time since the signal was first
acquired that the receiver has been locked on to that signal.
P r e s s < S E L E C T >
Returns the screen to ASI Input Status, second level.
If NOT Currently Locked To A Signal
D U R A T I O N : h h h : m m : s s
MODE: xx…xx is the current acquisition mode.
DURATION: Time Since Last Acquired.