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UTY4422-002 Page 68 of 72
DEFAULT CUSTOMER CONFIGURATION SHEET(When customer supplied, WCI must receive this information at least two weeks before delivery to avoid additional processing
charges to the customer.)
Model Number:_UTY4422________________________________ Release: __________
Customer:___________________________________ Header: ___ ___ ___ ___ (WXXX)
Sales Order Number:_____________________________________________________________
Uplink Encoder Make/Model: _____________________________ Video Format: ___________
Customer Approval:________________________________ Date:________________________
(Only required for nonstandard configuration)
Special Instructions or Clarifications:_________________________________________________________
Equipment Settings
(Circle or write-in requirements, default values are shown bold and underlined. Consult Wegener Engineering about changes to
default settings shown with ‘!’ exclamation mark.)
1.0 LNB DC Power ( on RF-In jack ) (Yes --Enabled, No --Disabled)
1.1 If LNB DC Power Enabled: Type; ( Domestic +18V , Universal Switchable LNB )
2.0 Universal LNB Configuration ( if enabled )(only on RF-In jack)(not available if RF switch installed)
2.1 LO selection: ( Local Oscillator, Universal ) if Local Osc. then desired LO_____________MHZ 5150 MHz
3.0 Alarm Relay-contact Polarity [Note: Relay is in “alarm” state when unit power is off]
( Close-on-alarm "J8 Non-Dotted Position, Open-on-alarm "J8 Dotted position")
4.0 Initial Carrier Settings: ( use for both RF and ASI input modes)
4.1 Carrier Frequency: ________________MHz ( 3700.00 to 14000.00) 3900.00 MHz
4.2 Feed Port (if RF switch option is installed) : ( 1, 2, 3, 4)
4.3 ASI Input Port (if ASI Input option card installed) : ( 1, 2 )
4.4 RF Input Polarity (if Universal LNB enabled) : ( Horizontal ( +18v ), Vertical ( +13v ) )
4.5 Transport Rate : _________Mbps (2.500 to 48.382 in 0.001 Mbps steps) 6.000 Mbps 1 (needed for ASI input mode)
4.6 Program Number: ________ (default is * for lowest found) ( needed for ASI input mode )
4.7 FEC Rate: ( 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 )
4.8 Tag Site Number: ______ (0 -15) 15 -- Tag Site 15 designates no--COMPEL or tags
4.9 SNR (Eb/No) Alarm Level ________dB (2 to 7 dB) 4 dB
4.10 Margin Warning Offset ________dB 2 dB -- sum of this and SNR Alarm level <12 dB
1 Check product spec for legal upper limits on aggregate Transport rate vs. FEC Rate.
5.0 LNB LO Settings (std. domestic Ku-band is 10750 MHz, C-band is 5150 MHz)
5.1 LNB LO Frequency (if no RF Switch is installed): ________________MHz 5150 MHz !
5.2 LNB LO Freq. (for Feed Port 1 only if RF switch installed): ________________MHz 5150 MHz !
5.3 LNB LO Freq. (for Feed Port 2 only if RF switch installed): ________________MHz 5150 MHz !
5.4 LNB LO Freq. (for Feed Port 3 only if RF switch installed): ________________MHz 5150 MHz !
5.5 LNB LO Freq. (for Feed Port 4 only if RF switch installed): ________________MHz 5150 MHz !
6.0 Initial Audio Settings (See section 10 if addition Audio options card are installed)
6.1 Ch 1 Audio Routing: ( Stereo, Reverse Stereo, Orig. L to both, Orig. R to both)2
6.2 Ch 2 Audio Routing: ( Stereo, Reverse Stereo, Orig. L to both, Orig. R to both)2
6.3 Ch 1 Program: ____________ ( need three-character code, default is * for lowest found)
6.4 Ch 2 Program: ____________ ( need three-character code, default is * for lowest found)
2“Orig L or R” designates original L or R inputs to the MPEG encoder unit.
7.0 Initial Serial Ports Configuration
7.1 Serial Port 1 Device: ( Terminal , Modem , Printer , Aux. Data )
7.2 Serial port 2 Device: ( Terminal ! , Modem , Printer , Aux. Data )