West Bend Back to Basics PC17553 Making Perfect Stove-Top Popcorn, Preheat Stove, Popping Popcorn

Models: PC17553

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Tip: Use fresh popcorn. Old popcorn loses its moisture and won't pop well. Buy popcorn fresh and keep it fresh.



1. Place 1–3 tablespoons of oil and 1/ cup popcorn in popper and place on stove top.


For Electric Range:

Set burner to medium high.

For Gas Range:

Set heat to medium.

TIP : Because stove top heat output varies,

adjust temperature as needed so popping is com- pleted about three minutes after the popcorn is added to the pan.

Tip: Don't use butter in place of oil, butter burns easily. Melted butter can be added to popped corn prior to serving

2.Slowly and continuously turn handle.

3.When stirring becomes difficult or pan is visibly full, remove from heat. empty popcorn into serving bowl, season, and enjoy.

TIP : You can make half a batch by using 1/–1 1/ table- spoons of oil and 1/ cup of popcorn.

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West Bend Back to Basics PC17553 manual Making Perfect Stove-Top Popcorn, Preheat Stove, Popping Popcorn