Getting Started
This chapter contains the following topics:
Installing the Router on the Network
Using the Setup CD
Using a Browser for Setup (Windows or Mac)
Installing WD Software from the CD (Optional)

Installing the Router on the Network

Two methods install the My Net N900 Central router on your network:
Setup CD The Easy Setup utility for Windows discovers and installs the router on
the network. Use this utility to configure the Internet connection and wireless
network, and to install additional WD software.
Browser – Mac users must use a web browser to set up the router. Windows users
may also use a web browser to set up the router.

Using the Setup CD

Starting Easy Setup (Windows)

Windows XP
1. Insert the Setup CD into your computer’s CD/DVD drive.
If AutoRun (AutoPlay) is enabled, the Choose your setup option screen displays.
If AutoRun (AutoPlay) is disabled, click Start > My Computer and locate the
My Net N900 Central router CD drive under Devices with Removable Storage.
Double-click the CD, and then double-click EasySetup to display the Choose your
setup option screen.
2. Continue to “Setting up a New Router” on page 10.
Windows Vista/Windows 7
1. Insert the Setup CD into your computer’s CD/DVD drive.
2. If a dialog box displays, click Run EasySetup.exe:
3. If a dialog box does not display, click Start or > Computer and locate the
My Net N900 Central router CD drive under Devices with Removable Storage.