5. In Finder, the My Net N900 Central router displays below Shared. The Public folder of
the internal storage and the name of your USB device display in the right pane:
6. To view the contents of the drives, double-click the Public folder or the name of
your storage device.
Using a Browser (PC)To access the files stored on the internal drive or on a USB drive connected to the router,
make sure that the drive was properly set up as described in “Setting Up Storage” on
page 27. After the setup is complete, access it through the network as follows:
Windows XP
1. Click Start > Run and type \\mynetn900c. If the router’s default name was changed
from the default host name, substitute the new name. The folder that displays represents
the external USB drive. Double-click the folder to access the drive.
Windows Vista/Win7
1. Click > Start and in the Search programs and files box, type \\mynetn900c. If the
router’s default host name was changed during setup, substitute the new name. The
folder that displays represents the external USB drive.
2. Double-click the folder to access its contents.
Note: If a password was set on the router during storage setup, at the prompts,
enter the username and the password that you created.