Holiday and movingcare
Short holidays
No need to shut off the refrigerator if you will be away for less than four weeks. Use up perish- ables; freeze other items.
Long holidays
Remove all the food if you are going for a month or more.
Unplug the refrigerator and clean it rinse
well and dry. Tape rubber or wood blocks to the tops of both doors . keeping them open far enough for air to get in. This will keep odor and mold from building up.
Personal Injury Hazard
Do not allow children to climb on, play near or climb inside the refrigerator when the doors are blocked open. They may become injured or trapped.
To restart refrigerator, see “Using Your Refrigera- tor” on page 5.
If electricity goes off, call the power company. Ask how long power will be off.
1.If service is to be interrupted 24 hours or less, keep both doors closed. This will help foods stay frozen.
2.If service is to be interrupted longer than
24 hours:
(a)Remove all frozen food and store in a frozen food locker.
(b)Place 0.9 kg (2 Ibs.) of dry ice in freezer for every cubic foot of freezer space. This will keep food frozen for 2 to 4 days. Wear gloves to protect your hands from dry ice burns.
(c)If neither a food locker or dry ice is avail- able, use or can perishable food at once.
3.A full freezer will stay cold longer than a partly filled one. A freezer full of meat will stay cold longer than a freezer full of baked goods. If food contains ice crystals, it may be safely refrozen, although the quality and flavor may be affected. If the condition of the food is poor or if you feel it is unsafe, dispose of it.
Remove all food. Pack frozen food in dry ice. Unplug the refrigerator and clean it thoroughly.
Take out all removable parts. Wrap all parts well and tape them together so they don’t shift and rattle. Screw in the leveling rollers; tape the doors shut; and tape the electric cord to the cabinet.
When you get to your new home, put every- thing back and refer to page 4.