To stop the beeping, ‘“cVe “#Yb ,X “CA% Swlich 10
RESET After ‘m? refrmqeralor react>es a c,)r’ I: P’
oture. move the switch back to NORMAL.
FLASHING TOO WARM ,fTbC ‘r+Yl’ c ~ef~‘3e~a’Or was too
~arrr but ‘i 2
RESET and bacv ‘c “~c?‘;lS_
The ALERT Symbol comes w Ace’ “e refr#gerotor nos been TOO WARM or +?ere has beer a DSGR OPEN for 10 or more hours Check for possible food spoilage.
The CHECK COIL Symbol glows
l | Every | 2 rno~ths to remind | you ‘c | check | fcr | 3ust | and l~r’i | or, | ||
| the | condenser | co11 behlnd | ibe | base | grl’ e | ‘See | page | 11 | |
| for | cleaning | instructIon | , |
| |
l | If the | power | hlas beep off |
To clear the symbol pave the AclTC. SCAN Swctch to RESETand Iher back tG “\iOCV4L
DOOR [or doors ‘,)PEY refrigerator &as ‘00 WARM time +o CHECK C’;‘I
DOOR [o( doors) OPEN for 10 or Tore hours refrigerator was TOO WkRV
DOOR (or doors; OPEN for 10 or Tore hours refrlgerCI’Or WOS TOO W’ARM +
DOOR [or y;):,rs) IjPE”4 llme tc C+iECK COIL power outage?
DOOR (or ao3zrs) OPEN for 10 or more holJrs time to CHECK COIL power ,u’age’
DOOR (or do:,rsj OPEN refrlgeraior IS TOO WARM
Other combinations of symbols:
DOOR jar CO& CPEN refrlgerotor IS TOO WARM time tc
CHtCK COIL poner outage’
Power IS off
3CsR [or d~,~,ri‘ %PE”d ,efrlgerator TX WARM for 10 or