Adjusting meat pan temperature...
Co;d ar f OAS ogorst the meat par I+r :iu@ ar- opening
betweer’ trlp freezer ano the
meat pan calfier tbor ‘tie rest
of !he refrlgerotor
Set the cxtrol to et more or
ieSS Cod 01’ ‘7rTJgk
rol to Adjust Meat Pan Temperatures
Adjusting crisper
Humidity Control...
You can cxtrol tre amount of humidity In the mol.- ture sealed crlsc:er no:
1icy cc,r *’ ), ,: 3’,
2 LO (Zpen! ,ets mo sT
01r c&t 3f crisper for best storage cjf fr.,l’s ar!a vegetob:es
‘hllth sk!ns
3.HI (closed) keeps moist ar ,n the crls- per for best storage of fresh leafy vege~ tables
Adjusting shelves...
Shelves can be adjusted to mnotcn ‘be way you use
your refrigerator Glass shelves are strong enough to hold bottles, milk and other heavy food ‘terns The
roil oat sqeif sPou/d De the bottom she/f n fotir
To remove glass shelves:
1 Tilt UD at front
1 Guide the rear hooks into the slots IC the shelf supporfs
2 Ilt up front of shelf unti! nooks drop ln+o slot Lower front of shelf to level postIon
To remove
. Lift up and out
To replace:
l Insert hooks into gtildes ‘on both sides
. Push down
Cold Water and Ice Dispenser...
Press o sturdy glass against the Ice dispenser bar (Pressure and
jurnbliqg car break a froglie
gloss ) Remove the glass to stop dlspenslng
The first few botches of ice from
the Ice maker may hove a bad taste Throw them’ away This IS
from new plumbing and parts ’
Ice Dispenser Bar
Press a sturdy gloss ogalnst the
water dispenser bar [Pressure car, break o fraglle glass) Rep
move the g/OSS i0 Stop
If the dispenser ISnot used reg-
ularly dispense enough every Neck to freshen the supply Allow 2 3 hours for chilling
The small troy beneath the dispenser ISdesigned to hold small spills There IS no drain In this tray. Do not pour water into It. Water from small spills WIII evaporate
Ice Is dispensed from the Ice maker storage bin In the freezer When the drspenser bar IS pressed, o
trapdoor opens In a chute between the drspenser and the ice bin Ice IS moved from the b/n and falls
through the chute When the dispenser bar IS re- leased, a faint buzzing sound may be heard for a few seconds
Chllled water comes from o tank behlnd the meat pan It holds about 50 ounces (1 5 L)
When the refrigerator IS first hooked up, press the water dispenser with a glass or a jar until you have
drawn and discarded 2 or 3 quarts (1 9 to 2.8 L) Only air WIII come out to start with The water you
draw and discard WI/I rinse the tank and pipes Allow about 24 hours to chill the first tankful