SYSTEMS-SENTINEL” Performance Monitor.. .
What It does...
The SYSTEMS SENTINEL, Performance Monrtor IS deslgned to monrtor
check points in the refrigerator to help you operate the refrigerator
effectively and economically Glowing or flashing symbols and soft
beeps | w~li |
| |
l | let | you | know | that refrigerator | check | points | are | betng | monitored | |
l | Remlnd | you | to clear, | the condenser | co11 (behind | the | base grille) | |||
l | Alert | you that | somethng | s not | or wos | not | OS it should | be |
Please read the following InformatIon carefully Then keep this book handy foe later reference
The AUTO SCAN Switch...
| NORMAL | Position | ||
| l | A light will | move across | |
| the | drsplay |
NORMAL | RESET . | OK | WIT | qlow |
grvlng Information
l If the OK aoesn t alow. a symbol (or symvbols] other than OK WIII glow
about a certain condition
To demonstrate or Test the Display, move the
swatch to RESET The Performance Monitor WIII show the followrng
RESET Position
| Check | ootnts | are | not |
| RESET monitored | when | the | AUTO |
| SCAN Switch IS on RESET | |||
| Move the Swatch to RESET | |||
AUTO SCAN | to |
| a Stop the | beeprng |
| sound |
l Clear a glowrng or flashing symbol. Once
cleared move AUTO SCAN Switch back to
B |
| B |
| B |
1. 8 seconds; |
| 2. | 15 | seconds | 3. 30 | seconds |
beeping | sound |
| Steps 2 and | 3 repeat | as | long as the AUTO SCAN | Switch | is on RESET. |
Reading the SYSTEMS SENTINEL* Performance Monitor
The OK
To clear | the symbol and to stop the beeping | sound, |
close the | door. | ‘TMK |