Beef Standing Rib Roast
i” *3aicutate approximate cooklng time (IO to 11 minutes per pound). S;?CK at MEDIUM HIGH for half the cooking time
4 ..,%ert MEAL SENSOR temperature probe Into center of largest
rl.,Scle. no: touching tat or bone (see diagram at left). Set MEAL iE:dSOR control at 125 F.
3 3:no~ at MEDIUM HIGH till MEAL SENSOR control registers 125 F.
5 Cover with foil and let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Using a separate
thermometer. temperature should read 130’F. to 135 F.
Beef Rolled Rib Roast
Tie 4 to 5oound roast with heavy string. Place roast, fat side down. ov mIcrowave roasting rack or inverted saucers in a 12 x 7% x
2 (Iaiculate approximate cooking time (12 to 13 minutes per pound). Scok at MEDIUM HIGH for half the cooking time
7i Tlrrr: roast fat side IJ~ and give baking dish a half turn.
J irlsert MEAL SENSOR temperature probe into center of largest mi;sc;e, riot Touching tat or bone (see diagram at left). Set MEAL SENSOR control at 125 F
5 Lhsk at MEDIUM HIGH till MEAL SENSOR control registers 125 F.
p’I !>s/er inittti +c!l and !et stand 5 to 10 minutes. Using a separate
Peek Bone-In Loin Roast
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