Cleaning chart
Use the following table to help you dean all parts of yc ur range.
Control knobs
Control panel
Exterlor surfaces
(other than control panel)
surface units
Chrome reflector ,owls
Broiler pan and grld
(clean after each use)
Oven racks
Oven door glass
Sponge and warm, soapy water
Sponge and warm, soapy water
Paper towel and spray gla!: cleaner
Sponge and warm, soapy water
No cleaning required
Warm, soapy water and a nonabrasive, plastic scrubbing pad
Paper towel and spray gla! ;I cleaner
Warm, soapy water and a nonabrasive, plastic scrubbing pad
l Turn knobs to OFF and ~~IJII straight away from control panel.
lWash, rinse and dry thorc.‘ughly. Do not soak.
l Replace knobs. Make so re all knobs point to OFF.
DO NOT USE steel wool c r abrasive
cleaners. They may damage the finish of the
l Wash, rinse and dry thorcughly.
DO NOT USE steel wool c r abrasive cleaners. They may damarf 3 the finish.
lWash, rinse and dry thorc ughly.
USE nonabrasive, plastic :;c:rubbing pad on heavily soiled areas.
lDo not use abrasive or h;.rsh cleansers. NOTE: Do not allow foods containing acids (such as vinegar, tomato c r lemon juice) to remain on surface. Acids r lay remove the glossy finish. Also wipe LIP milk or egg spills
when cooktop is cool.
l Spatters or spills will bur I off.
l Do not Immerse In wzrtdrr.
. Wash, rinse and dry thmotcughly. l Clean frequently.
lDo not use abrasive or -.harsh cleansers.
lWash, rinse and dry th’orc ughly.
lWash, rinse and dry th’orc ughly.
lMake sure oven is cocl.
l Follow directions providc4 with the cleaner.
l Wash, rinse and dry thotc ughly.