Replacing a Damaged RestorationShapes Panel (Option 2)
Required tools: hammer, wood chisel and hacksaw or utility
Use a wood chisel to remove the lock tabs on the top side of
the damaged panel. Lock tabs can be located by using the
chisel to slightly lift the panel locked into the upper portion of
the damaged panel.
After locating the lock tabs, place the bevel of the chisel down
against the face of the damaged panel; use a hammer and the
chisel to knock off the lock tabs of the damaged panel. Then
pull the nails on the damaged panel and pull the panel down
and remove.
On the replacement panel, use a hacksaw or utility knife to cut
the lock tabs to half their original length. Slide the replacement
panel back into the position of the removed damaged panel.
Use the hammer handle to put pressure against the bottom
butt of the replacement panel to force pressure upward
enough that the replacement panel will engage with the panel
Drill a nail hole in the center of the top portion of the
replacement panel, then use a colored trim nail to control the
direction of expansion of the replacement.
NOTE: While this method provides an aesthetically
acceptable replacement, it does not actually secure the
panel to the wall. The only way to secure a replacement
panel with nails is to remove the siding from the top of the
wall down until the damaged panel can be removed.
locate lock
tab with
chisel tip
and remove
restoration shapes panel
(upper course)
butt leg of upper
restoration shapes panel
colored trim nail
restoration shapes panel
(lower course)
Wolverine Fit and Finish Installation Guide