3-1/2" Snap-on Lineal Application aroundWindows and Doors
This application works only on 1"-faced J-channel.
The installation of J-channel for snap-on lineals is the same
procedure as installing lineal starter strip. Measure the
openings and cut the J-channel 1/2" less than your
measurement. Install the J-channel around the opening,
centering the J-channel so that each end of the J-channel is
1/4" from the opening. Nail the J-channel every 8" to 10".

Lineal application around windows

Measure the top of the casing and add 7" (3-1/2" extra for
each side). After the piece is cut to length, flip it over and cut
3/8" off the locking leg as shown.
Snap over the J-channel as shown.
Repeat for the bottom of the casing.
Wolverine Fit and Finish Installation Guide