Installing Window and Door Trim
Follow the instructions described earlier under the section
“Preparation for Horizontal Siding” beginning on page 21.

Plan the panel layout

Correctly installed vertical siding should have a balanced
appearance. This means that if you were to draw a vertical line
down the center point of a wall, you’d have an equal number
of panels to the right and left. If you had to trim panels to fit,
the end-most panels would be of identical width.
To create this pleasing appearance, divide the space to be
covered by a partial panel over both ends of a wall. For
example, if a wall required 25 full panels plus 10", you would
rip cut two 5" lengths of panel to create the end pieces.


In a vertical siding installation, most of the expansion is
downward. So instead of allowing equal space for expansion
at both ends of a vertical panel, leave more space at the lower
end: allow for 1/3 of the total expansion at the top of a panel
and 2/3 of the total expansion is at the bottom.
For example, if the total expansion equals 3/4" (3/8" + 3/8"),
allow 1/4" at the top and 1/2" at the bottom.
NOTE: Always position top most nail at the top of the top
most full nail slot (2a). Center remaining nails in the slots
Wolverine Fit and Finish Installation Guide