Blade Adjustment
The blade adjustment has been made at the factory before shipment. A few test cuts will determine if this adjustment is satisfactory for your needs. If it is, you are ready to start using your foot shear. However, you may find it necessary to check the blade adjustment before continuing. Depending on how often you change the type and gauge of material you cut, this adjustment process will become routine.
To perform the blade set up, do these steps:
1.Loosen, but do not remove the two table bolts and table adjustment screws on both sides of the foot shear (see Figure 9).
2.Using the foot pedal, lower the blade and hold it in position. (It may help to have your assistant do this step.)
3.Turn the table adjustment screws to move the table and fixed blade until the fixed blade makes light contact with the moving blade.
NOTICE: The moving blade should never overlap the fixed blade. This will cause damage to both.
4.Looking behind the pressure plate, make sure the two blade surfaces appear to make light contact all the way across the length.
5.Using a sheet of paper, confirm that you have proper contact by making several cuts along the length of the blade. The shear should cut through the paper cleanly.
6.Turn the table adjustment screws to move the fixed blade away from the moving blade so you have a gap of 0.002". Check this measurement with a feeler gauge as shown in Figure 10.
Note: The gap width will change depending on the type and gauge of the material being sheared. This is a
M1044 52" Foot Shear
Table Bolts |
Table Adjustment Screws |
Figure 9. Adjustment screws.
Gap Distance
Figure 10. Measuring gap between blades.
7.Repeat Step 6 on the other side so the gap is uniform across the length of the blade.
8.Tighten the four leg bolts and double check the gap to make sure it has not
changed. If it has repeat the process.