Command Summary
40 Operating Manual for RS-232 for XT/HPD Series Power Supply
Table 3.4 Query Commands
Command Description
AUXA? Asks for the state of the set value for the AUXA command
AUXB? Asks for the state of the set value for the AUXB command
CMODE? Asks for the power supply’s calibration mode status.
DLY? Asks for the programmable time delay setting before the supply
reports fault conditions.
ERR? Asks for the most recent remote programming error which occurred in
the supply since the last time the error query command (ERR?) was
FOLD? Asks for the supply’s present foldback setting.
HOLD? Asks for the present hold mode setting.
ID? Asks for the power supply’s model name and master EPROM version.
IMAX? Asks for the supply’s soft current limit setting.
IOUT? Measures the supply’s actual current output.
ISET? Asks for the supply’s present output current limit setting.
LOC? Asks whether or not the supply is in local mode operation.
OUT? Asks for the present enabled/disabled status of the supply’s output.
OVSET? Asks for the supply’s present over voltage protection limit.
ROM? Asks for the version number of the master and slave EPROMs on the
interface PCB.
VMAX? Asks for the supply’s soft voltage limit setting.
VOUT? Measures the supply’s actual voltage output.
VSET? Asks for the supply’s present output voltage setting.