Preparation for Cleaning Batteries
Preparation for Cleaning Batteries
The appropriate clothing, tools, equipment, and supplies are listed below.
Gather what you need before beginning.


Appropriate clothing could include old clothes, rubber boots, or old
shoes. Battery acid is highly corrosive, so wear something you can live
without just in case you splash some on yourself. Be sure to wear rubber
gloves and eye protection.


pAdjustable wrench or appropriately sized sockets and ratchet for
battery terminals
pTorque wrench
pSoft-bristled brush (a discarded toothbrush works fine)
p6 inch scrub brush
pInexpensive ½ inch chip brush or soldering brush


pEye protection
pRubber gloves
pWater hose with spray nozzle or five gallon watering bucket
pEmpty spray bottle


pBaking soda. (Always keep on hand in the event of a spill.)
pHand cleaner or soap
pAfter reattaching cables: anti-corrosion grease (available at auto, RV,
and marine stores)