XiNCOM Corp.
Email Alert This feature will send an warning Email, inform system administrator that one of the WAN ports was
Email Alert – You can choose to enable or disable it to send a warning email.
Email Sender Address – It is an email address which will send the warning email.
Email (SMTP) Server Address – It is an email server address the warning email will be sent to.
Email Recipient Address – It is an email address of system administrator the email will be sent to.
Figure 24: Email Alert
Settings – Email Alert
Email Alert • Enable – This will enable email alert to send a warning email when
WAN port was disconnected.
• Disable – This will disable email alert not to send a warning email when
WAN port was disconnected.
Email Sender
Address It is an email address that sends a warning email to a recipient. Inform that
a recipient checks if there is any problem on WAN ports or not.
Email (SMTP)
Server Address It is an email sever a warning email will be sent to. If you are enabled email
alert. For example: mail.domain.com
Email (SMTP)
Server User Name Username to authenticate with your mail server.
Email (SMTP)
Server Password The password associated with the user name on your mail server.
Email Recipient
Address It is an email address a warning email will be sent to. Usually it is system
administrator email address. For example:admin@mail.domain.com
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