XiNCOM Corp.
Appendix B
Windows TCP/IP SetupOverview
T Sett
I he defau in WAN Router settings, and the default Windows
95/98/ME/2000 TCP/IP settings, no changes need to be made.
•ult, the XC-DPG Twin WAN Router will act as a DHCP Server, automatically providing a
IP Addr ted information) to each PC when the PC boots.
•on-Serv P client.
• If you wish to ch dure is described in the following sections.
•ur LAN has a Router, the LAN Administrator must re-configure the Router itself. Refer to
pter 5 – Adv AN Setup for details.
CP/IP ings
f using t lt XC-DPG Tw
By defa
For all n
ess (and rela
er versions of Windows, the default TCP/IP setting is to act as a DHC
eck your TCP/IP settings, the proce
If yo
Cha anced L
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 9x/ME:
1. Select Control Panel - Network. You should see a screen like the following:
Figure 38: Network Configuration
2. Select the TCP/IP protocol for your network card.
3. Click on the Properties button. You should then see a screen like the following.
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