Xoro MPEG4 manual Disc Information, Handling precautions On storing discs, To clean discs

Models: MPEG4

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Handling precautions

On storing discs

• Do not touch the playback side of the disc.


• Do not attach paper or tape to discs.

To clean discs

Fingerprints and dust on the disc may cause picture and sound deterioration. Wipe the disc from the center outwards with a soft cloth. Always keep the disc clean.

If you cannot wipe off the dust with a soft cloth, wipe the disc lightly with a slightly moistened soft cloth and finish with a dry cloth.

Do not use any type of solvent such as thinner, benzine, commercially available cleaners or antistatic spray for vinyl Lps. It may damage the disc.

Do not store discs in a place subject to direct sunlight or near heat sources.

Do not store discs in places subject to moisture and dust such as a bathroom or near a humidifier. Store discs vertically in a case. Stacking discs or placing objects on their case may warp the discs.

Copyright notes

It is forbidden by law to copy, broadcast, show on cable, play in public, and rent copyrighted material without permission.

DVD video discs are copy protected, and any recordings made from these discs will be distorted.

About this manual

This user's manual explains the basic instruction of this DVD player. Some DVD video discs are produced in a manner that allows specific or limited operation during playback. As such, the DVD player may not respond to all operating commands.

Discs that can be played

Disc mark



Maximum playback time









Approximately 2 hours (single sided single)


Audio + Video

12 cm

Approximately 4 hours (single sided double)

Approximately 4 hours (double sided single)







Approximately 4 hours (double sided double)


Audio + Video

12 cm

Approximately 45 minutes







Video CD

Audio + Video

12 cm

Approximately 74 minutes






Audio CD


12 cm

Approximately 74 minutes








12 cm




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Xoro MPEG4 manual Disc Information, Handling precautions On storing discs, To clean discs, Copyright notes