Xoro MPEG4 manual Functions, Special functions, Special DVD-functions

Models: MPEG4

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Special functions


For VCD 2.0 or SVCD discs, press this button to set the PBC functions.

In the PBC display of the SVCD / VCD2.0, if the PLAY button is pressed, the Player will enter PBC playback status.If the PBC is turned off, the disc will be played as VCD1.0/1.1.

When PBC is set to ON, the menu appears on the screen, press the number buttons to select and play the track you want.

VOLUME Control

You can change the volume level.


To turn off the sound, press this button. One more time press the button to turn on the sound.

Special DVD-functions

MENU button

Press this button to enter the DVD menu. (If it is supported by the discs.)

TITLE button

For DVD discs, press this button to enter the title menu, then press the Direction buttons and PLAY button to select and play. (If it is supported by the discs.)

AUDIO button

This button allows the user to select a preferred audio language from those included on the disc. This button also support language selection for the SVCD discs.

ANGLE button

Press this button to change the camera angle of the scene you are watching if the scene was recorded from multiple angles.


This button allows the user to select a preferred language for the subtitle and messages from those included on the disc.


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Xoro MPEG4 manual Functions, Special functions, Special DVD-functions