1Throttle cable 1
2Right handlebar switch lead
3Brake hose
4Clutch cable
5Main switch lead
6Left handlebar switch lead
7Horn lead
8Starter cable
9Speed sensor lead
10 Coolant reservoir hose
11 Headlight lead
12 Meter light lead
13 Thermo unit lead
14 Thermo switch lead
15 Fan motor lead
16 Ignition coil (left) lead
17 Ignition coil (right) lead
18 Negative lead
A Fasten the right handlebar switch
lead with a plastic band.
B Fasten the handlebar switch lead
with a plastic band.
C 50 mm
D Fasten the horn lead with a plastic
E60 mm
F Set the clamp within 10 mm from
the upper end of protector.
G Align the brake hose white mark to
the mark of bracket.
H Fasten the brake hose with a plas-
tic band and cut the end of band.
I Pass the speed sensor lead be-
tween throttle cable and clutch
cable and fasten to the frame head
J Pass the wireharness and hoses
under the frame.
K Fasten the coolant reservoir hose
with a plastic band.