Recalling the Registered Panel Setups
CVP-409/407 Owner’s Manual 133
Registering and Recalling Custom Panel Setups

Deleting an Unneeded Panel Setup/Naming a

Panel Setup

The panel setups can be deleted or named individually as desired.
1Press simultaneously REGISTRATION MEMORY [REGIST BANK] but-
tons [+][–] to call up the REGISTRATION BANK Selection Display.
2Press one of the [A]–[J] buttons to select a bank to be edited.
3Press the [8
] (EDIT) button to call up the REGISTRATION EDIT Dis-
4Edit the panel setups.
• Deleting a panel setup
Press the [5
] button to delete a panel setup (page 71).
• Renaming a panel setup
Press the [1
] button to rename a panel setup (page 72).
5Press the [8
] (UP) button to return to the REGISTRATION BANK
Selection display.

Disabling Recall of Specific Items (Freeze Func-


Registration Memory lets you recall all the panel setups you made with a single
button press. However, there may be times that you want certain items to remain
the same, even when switching Registration Memory setups. For example, you may
want to switch Voices or effect settings while keeping the same accompaniment
Style. This is where the Freeze function comes in handy. It lets you maintain the set-
tings of certain items and leave them unchanged, even when selecting other Regis-
tration Memory buttons.
1Call up the operation display.
The number above
the file name corre-
sponds to the
MEMORY [1]–[8]